WOD: Monday

A. Work up to a heavy Clean & Jerk (any style) 10 min.

B. 30 reps for sets and time of:
Power Clean + Push Jerk
*Choose your own load.
*As per last week, a re-grip on the ground to ensure correct set-up will not be counted as a break in the set.
*6 minute cut off.

C. For completion:
Fifty, 6 count Burpees.
*This is an opportunity to explore your boundaries – where the movement standard should be treated as the minimum requirement.  If you found this to be quite achievable last time we did this, be creative and jump to a target, wear a weight vest or whatever.  Make this as hard as it needs to be to get the right effect.

Post loads, sets, time and completion to comments.

Read – Sweeping the Bar: How to Fix Your First Pull

JackoA big thanks to Jacko who volunteered his Sunday to help out with counting/judging our team at CrossFit Ipswich.


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