Tips for Success in the Open

During the Open we will be programming our week with Open WOD’s in mind. Basically this means that we will be looking to maintain your fitness but not smash you so that you cannot perform later in the week. Here are some tips to help you do your best.

– Get your diet and hydration dialed in. Avoid foods that are out of the ordinary and alcohol in the days preceding the event and make sure you are hydrated.

– Active recovery is better than static rest. If you are serious about the competition, you are welcome to cherry pick and come in and simply work on your mobility and recovery with rollers, balls, bands etc. This is far more effective than staying at home.

– Get as much sleep as you can.

– Don’t expect miracles. All the desire in the world is not going to give you a muscle up or a 100kg snatch if you haven’t earned it. Simply be happy if you have worked to your own potential.

– Listen to our advice. We know your strengths and weaknesses and our advice will be based on you getting your own best result.

– Have fun. The only pressure is the pressure you create for yourself. There are over 100,000 other people going through the same thing – you’ll be fine.

– Warm-up properly. If you don’t know how – ask.

– Don’t give up. If you know you’ve got a shot at something, then stick to it until you get it. We have seen numerous example of people getting their first rep of something after many, many attempts.

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