WOD: Tuesday

Welcome back – we hope you had a great Easter break.

*Please be sure to read News & Events for the details about this Saturdays social get together to celebrate the end of the Open.

A. Back Squat 3 x 5 (add 2.5kg to last time)

B. For time:
20 Overhead Squat (AHAP)
20 Burpee
20 Front Squat
20 Burpee
20 Back Squat
20 Burpee
*Choose your own weight and use it for all three squat variations.
*15 min cut off.
*Compare to last time – here.

IMG_8927Congratulations to Brooke who not only set a new 1RM Clean & Jerk in her first lift of 13.4, she then repeated it two more times.

Tues 1Tues 3IMG_3458IMG_3459

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