A profound idea from a five-minute TED Talk by David Brooks (watch here) sparked a shift in how I think about life’s priorities. It introduced the concept of Resume Goals and Eulogy Goals—two distinct ways of defining success and fulfillment. Building on my previous article, Lifestyle Millionaire, which advocates for a balanced approach to life—physical health, mental and emotional well-being, relationships, financial freedom, self-improvement, quality nutrition, and leisure—this framework challenges us to consider not just what we achieve but how we are remembered. The Two Types of Goals Resume Goals These goals focus on external achievements: the skills you acquire, the accolades you earn, and the milestones you reach in your career. They’re the accomplishments that look impressive on paper but don’t necessarily define the essence of who you are. Eulogy Goals Eulogy goals reflect your inner character—the traits and values people celebrate when your life is remembered. They emphasize qualities like kindness, honesty, courage, and the positive impact you have on others. While both types of goals play a role in life, eulogy goals hold deeper significance because they shape the legacy you leave behind. Why Eulogy Goals Matter Dr. Seuss eloquently captured the essence of eulogy goals when he said:“To the world you may be one person; but to one person you may be the world.” This quote highlights the profound importance of how we touch others’ lives. Eulogy goals aren’t about fame or fortune—they’re about the love, kindness, and integrity that leave a lasting impact. While resume goals focus on building a life of external success, eulogy goals emphasize building a life of meaning and connection. They’re embodied in the moments when you go out of your way to help someone, show empathy, or stand by your values even when it’s difficult. Living with Eulogy Goals in Mind To align your life with eulogy goals, reflect on these questions: Living with eulogy goals means prioritizing relationships over recognition, integrity over ambition, and purpose over productivity. It’s about striving to be the kind of person whose legacy is defined not by what they achieved but by how they made others feel. A Legacy Worth Remembering In a world that often prioritizes resume goals, embracing eulogy goals takes courage. It’s a deliberate choice to live authentically, guided by the qualities that matter most. By focusing on your eulogy goals, you create a life that leaves a profound and lasting impact—one that truly honors the person you aspire to be. I am incredibly grateful to be part of a community that lifts each other up, challenges us to lead our best lives, and inspires us to become the best versions of ourselves. Together, we can create legacies worth cherishing.
Coastal CrossFit
My Goals were as follows:
6 Months:
Clean & Jerk 65kg- still working towards this one but getting closer.
Snatch 47.5kg (then 50kg)- Achieved this. New goal 52.5kg then 55kg 🙂
15 Strict Pull-ups- Yet to re-do. Have achieved 12 with 3kg so got to be close.
25 Push-ups- Need to work on this.
Consistent Muscle-ups: Achieved. Can hit them consistently, now aiming to be able to link 3 together, and also non-false grip.
I want to continue getting stronger Back Squat/ Press/Deadlift- all still moving along. Hit a PB Deadlift 🙂
Continuous- Short/Med & Long term:
General: Greater consistency and better tracking my training and results- Consistency has been better but my tracking is still lacking. I WILL TRACK MY RESULTS!!
Improve lifting technique (i.e) Speed/aggression for Oly lifts.
Train with others more frequently- I am loving the Open for this and training with you all has been awesome. Thanks everyone for the encouragement 😛
Enter more CrossFit competitions – Completed one team comp and Open since setting goals. Will continue to enter comps. Who is with me??? Lets get a crew together.
Enter AWF competition (Weightlifting)- Yet to do.
Blow the dust off my Surf board and axe myself on a few waves- Steve K what are you up to on Sunday??
Nutrition: Get creative in the kitchen and try new recipes- Thanks Chrissy for some great recipes without you our dining experience would always be the same. Still need to do this more as I am sure Chris would agree. I promise…. NO MORE MUSCLE CHOW (ha ha).
Good luck everyone with your goal review. Hopefully you have made gains in the first quarter. We have a awesome community lets keep supporting one another and see what we can achieve in the next 3 months.
For Benita:
Attend 4 times a week
Achieve kipping pullup/T2B
String together more than a couple of doubleunders ( so I don’t get rope burn)
Believe in myself and continue to enjoy training.
Do Tough Mudder!
This isn’t a physical goal but I want to change my focus – consciously – to focus on my own goals and training and not compare myself to other people.
Have not yet achieved a muscle up (which was my previous goal) but I’m going to make this lot more extensive so I’m able to measure my progress more easily.
Before June:
1. Be able to perform a muscle up – to do this I will work ring dips and transitions on the rings 3 times a week until I get one. (also increase number of rings dips within this goal – 10 unbroken by june)
2. Hold a handstand for 10 seconds without falling or touching the wall – by practicing each day and ultimately by the end of the year be able to walk on my hands.
3. Increase strength numbers ie. squat to 90kgs by June – to 100kgs this year.
Snatch: aiming for 45kgs (got 42.5kg once, need to do this more regularly)
Clean and Jerk: 62.5kgs (cleanly! – bit punny, ha) but without arching my back or losing my core – I will do this by working on my core stability and awareness each time I lift by consciously thinking and planning my movement before initiating it.
4. be able to run faster! I will do this by focusing when I run and practising 3 times a week with speed not distance in mind.
Before Christmas:
1. Hopefully a 100kg squat!
2. Linked muscle ups (or consistent singles)
3. Handstand walk and more handstand pushups (decrease kip)
4. Increased strength numbers
5. Faster running
Big goals. Lots of work. 🙂
I’m guilty of not posting my goals in January – which may or may not be related to goal 1. Sorry!
My goals over the next few months are:
1. To organise myself so I can attend 3-4 sessions a week
2. Get consistent toes to bar rather than the very messy, one offs that I currently have
3. Get consistent double-unders so I can do more than 15 in a row
🙂 Anna
Well my goals at the beginning of the year were quiet general; I have competed in the Open and learnt some new things about myself like going harder and faster than I think I can. So here are some more specific goal for the next 6 months:
* consistent muscle ups, use non-false grip
* consistent hand-stand push ups
* learn to Kip (more than 2-5) my pull ups, chest to bar and toes to bar for speed
* work on a heavier snatch
* get comfortable catching oly lifts in a squat
* get faster (aka htfu)
* more and better push ups at least 20 unbroken
* get my AWF memberships and compete
I will embrace the pain and the elation of working towards these goals. The support of everyone at the box is invaluable when it comes to reaching milestones. I look forward to the next part of the year and smashing goals with you all 🙂
Well my goals at the beginning of the year were quiet general; I have competed in the Open and learnt some new things about myself like going harder and faster than I think I can. So here are some more specific goal for the next 6 months:
* consistent muscle ups, use non-false grip
* consistent hand-stand push ups
* learn to Kip (more than 2-5) my pull ups, chest to bar and toes to bar for speed
* work on a heavier snatch
* get comfortable catching oly lifts in a squat
* get faster (aka htfu)
* more and better push ups at least 20 unbroken
* get my AWF memberships and compete
I will embrace the pain and the elation of working towards these goals. The support of everyone at the box is invaluable when it comes to reaching milestones. I look forward to the next part of the year and smashing goals with you all 🙂
Coastal CrossFit
Thanks to the people who have posted their goals so far.
Here are my goals:
1. I plan to focus much more heavily on weightlifting for the rest of the year with the short term goal of increasing my current weightlifting total (C&J + Snatch) of 197.5kg to 205kg, which is the national qualifying standard for my weight category.
2. Compete in more weightlifting competitions.
3. Train with fun and enjoyment in mind rather than treating it like a job.
4. Train with others more often.
5. Destroy all competition at Lawn Bowls this weekend.
Dan C
So far so good with my goals for the year:
– Training consistency has been good.
– Extra mobility work has been helpful but need to develop further.
– Alchohol free February was achieved and I felt great for it and Los,t a few kg’s as well
– Fran time under 6 mins is not complete but will be attempted before July.
– I’m winning more of my friendly battles in the gym than I’m losing.
New Goals:
– Focus on improving bottom of squat position in my mobility homework.
– Run faster when running is programmed.
I must admit my last post was kind of vague and my goals were very broad. Since then I have developed some more specific goals. Firstly, I am aiming to take a more organised approach to developing my muscle ups. I have been stuck in the same spot with my muscle ups for a while now so feel I need to go back to basics. So I aim to do at least 10 deep rings dips before or after each session from now on and the same with chest to ring pull-ups.
My next goal is to make wall-balls my friend. These are one of the movements that I have always dreaded in the past and now I am ready to change that. So from now on when there are wall-balls in a wod I will be using a 9kg ball. And the same for kettle bells – 20kg.
Also, as a general goal I want to improve my standards on all Oly lifting movements especially squats. Specifically working on keeping my knees out and chest up. Hopefully this will be assisted with a new pair of Oly shoes soon.
And lastly, but probably most importantly, continue to work on better flexibility as this was a previous goal which I regrettably have not paid much attention to.
I am looking forward to being a bit more focused this year and making some improvements.
Oh I also aim to run more! Even at times when I am not in the gym. I am pretty bad at running and find that this only gets easier the more you do.
Well my goals were also broad and not so measurable and I didnt acheive them. I am going to set new goals now;
1. not hurt myself ( I may listen to Chris)
2. Get a little more flexible than a house brick (mobility at home)
3. Actually practice double unders so I can do them (20 in a row) without pure hatred eminating from my pores
4. I would like to do olympic lifts without getting growled at by Chris (I may have flexability issues) Next time we do them!!!
5. 15 strict pull ups in a row(June)
6. 50 pushups in a row (June)
7. 100 burpees with good form (Birthday)
8. 100 24kg kettle bell swings unbroken (December)
9. 1 muscle up (August)
10. break 5min barrier on 1.2km loop (August)
11. 60kg overhead squat (December)
12. 100kg back squat (December)
13. Catch olympic lifts in a deep squat (must be Scared!) Anytime!!!
14. Fran Under 10 min cut off ( next time I do it)
15. Get under 90kg (August)
Now that I have written a large list I will need to be motavated to achieve whats on it, but I believe I can do it. Knowing what I should be doing and actualy doing it are my biggest downfalls. So if you see me looking out of whack with bad form let me know or feel free to dobb me in to Chris or Marie. May you always have butter on your spinach.
My goals are
1. stretch/mobility at home for 15mins 5 times per week to improve flexibility so that I can sit comfortably with cross legs
2. Run 5k in 25 mins and run 10ks in Sunshine Coast marathon
3. Do a strict pull up
4. Do three toes to bar unbroken
5. Be early for sessions 🙂
Ok, So here are my Goals:
June 2013
• Run 5 km’s (Non-stop)
• Loose 10+kg’s
• 5 strict Pull ups
• Link 10 Kipping Pull ups together
• Set new 1RM for Clean & Jerk, Snatch & Overhead Squat
• Improve Overhead Squat (to help with Oly Lift #’s)
• Train at least 4 times per week
End of Year
• Go in my first Crossfit Comp
My goal for June is:
1) loose at least 5 kilo, I am planning to pay more attention to my food intake.
2) train for at least 4-5 times a week
3) do 3 pullups
4) 5x toes to bar
5) improve my squats
* to attempt one strict pull up before every session until I have success
* vary my food recipes and not fall into eating the same thing each week
* to participate in ‘Tough Mudder’ and start the event feeling healthy and fit/ ready to give it a red hot go
Run the 1.2k loop in 7mins.
5 consecutive strict pull ups.
20 consecutive double unders.
Get an RXD Fran time.
I need to start kipping anything!
All by time I compete in – and complete -Tough Mudder in August.
I want to be more mindful of my technique on all lifts with particular attention paid to the positioning of my knees and wrists.
I also want to correct my elbow positioning for push ups because push ups are the bain of Chris’ existence and he says that if we can get them right this will translate to improvement in many other Crossfit movements. See Chris we do listen to your rants – sometimes.
Good luck everyone – hopefully it won’t be as painful to reach your goals as it has been to commit them in writing!
By End of June:
– 5 Strict overgrasp pullups
By End of Sept:
– 15 Unbroken O/Head Squats @ 65kg
By End of December:
– 10 Strict overgrasp pullups
My 6month goals that I posted were:
-20 strict pull ups (no girlie grip)
-Improved core strength & stability in everything, but particularly Oly lifting
-Reducing my rest periods during timed workouts
-Consistently stretching daily @ home
I haven’t attempted a max effort on my strict pull ups recently to know where I’m @ with them, however my last 5RM weighted effort I increased by 2.5kg.
Core strength is so important to stabilise the body during movement and lifting. I believe that insufficient core stability due to muscle weakness & imbalance’s is the result for my lower back pain & injuries. My research & testing has led ME to believe I have low Glute activation & that my hamstrings have been far too dominant over my glutes in the compound lifts.
I feel that when I’ve applied a more positive outlook before a workout I do run harder, I do pick the bar up sooner, wall balls still suck however, I manage them better. Mental toughness during my workout s for me is getting my mind where it needs to be. If I am mentally OK, i.e. if nothing is bothering me, I do well.
Right now my main aim is not to get injured any more. My stretching @ home is more regular & I’m finding that by doing so my flexibility is improving – which should mean my risk of injuries will decrease.
-Be More Conscious of Glute Activation
-Reduce Injuries
S.T.G: reduce weights and focus on perfecting form and effeciency with power movements
M.T.G Within 6 months achieving: 100kg back squat
65kg snatch
60kg overhead squat without breaking form
(minimise injuries by not sacrificing form for weight)
L.T.G ( Dec) Improve co odination and endurance on body weight exercises
ie CTB,TTB and Muscle ups
Complete 10 stricted pull ups 20kg weighted vest.
Maintain min 4 sessions in the box and 2 in my own time.
Coastal CrossFit
On behalf of Kim:
My very short-term goals are simple:
1. To do a perfect push-up (narrow)
2. To do a solid 10 sec. flexed arm hang
3. To be above the bottom 25% mark in times for running exercises ( I HATE running).
4. To minimize my “neediness” for special assistance and guidance from Chris and Marie
5. To do some hard work outside of Crossfit (run, cycle, push-ups, etc.) at least 2x week.
– Double Unders !!!!!
– Weighted Pull Ups
– Snatch and Overhead Squats
– Hand Stand Push Ups.
Most important, Eat better and more regular.
Meghan Ballon
Newbie to the CrossFit phenomenon, so my goals up until June are fairly general, and are as follows:
– attend 3-4 sessions a week, minimum + 2 WO in my own time. looking forward to building my knowledge about all things CrossFit over the coming months, and keen as to try a new type of training.
– improve my mobility, this will help with other aspects of my training if i wish to see improvement
– regain my mental toughness. I’ve turned into a bit of a puss over the past few years, for a number of reasons, i tried to avoid things that would cause me physical pain and I would quit or find an excuse to get out of things. But that stops NOW, I have high expectations of myself, and I want to get back to where I was before and exceed those previous limits.
– improve my eating habits. when i’m good i’m really good, when i’m bad i’m really bad. Finding that discipline and will power to make everyday a good day, or at least better than the one before. Looking forward to the challenge of experimenting with a few new recipes and learning more about ‘zones’ and ‘blocks’ and what constitutes these.
Short term:-
1. Become more flexible in upper (shoulder flexibility/bar positioning) and lower body
2. Work on core strength – I notice this gives way first so need to strengthen to keep good form
3. Learn and maintain good form on barbell work squats/deadlifts/snatches etc
Mid/long term:-
1. Perform 10 strick pull ups
2. Push out 30+ ball slams in 1 min consecutive rounds
3. Squat – keep increasing…..
Train at least 4 sessions a week.
So I thought I better write out some goals to keep a certain person happy and to avoid being kicked out of coastal!!! (this was Chris’ threat for not doing this). When I actually think about it there plenty of little things that I would like to achieve but I’m not sure where to actually start and stop but I’ll list a few…
~30 muscles for time
~kip more than 2 C2B in a row
~improve butterfly pull ups
~10 strict unbroken pulls ups with 10kg weight vest (challenge is set Marie) 😛
~improve my stamina – any ideas will be welcomed
~become mentally stronger and not quit so easy
~locate my sweet tooth and have it extracted – is there a dentist at training??
Well that is a good start and should allow my to return to training!!
Ok here goes – homework about to be completed.
1) Toes to bar – nearly got one in the Open – need to actively practice outside of WOD’s
2) Pull ups – Need to actively practice pull ups each afternoon before WOD
3) Increase weight – have managed to be more proactive in increasing weight, examples, now using 20kg kettle bell in workouts, got a 43kg clean and jerk in open, got a 30kg Thruster in open, 40kg Push Press – need to not overthink weight increments
4) Squats – need to work with my knee to build depth of squats
5) Continue to work at eating better consistently, need to stop my sugar cravings
Coastal CrossFit
FOR Carly Perrett:
These are my goals for both the short and long-term future.
-Would love to get a pull-up in the near future.
-Be able to string together more double-unders.
-Work on my overhead squats as I find it difficult to hold the bar overhead for long periods of time. Would also like to be able to put more weight on the bar as at the moment am stuck at a very low weight.
-Improve my running – would like to be able to run faster over a longer distance.
-Be able to do a push-up, obviously this means I need to improve my core strength. So far I can only lower myself down and then I have to come up on my knees. Would love to get a fully-fledged push-up and work on getting faster at these.
Coastal CrossFit
FOR Tanya Murray
– Consistent muscle ups
– Get a handstand push up, put some effort into achieving this goal
– Continue to work on push ups, have improved
– Squat twice a week
– if I can make it early to a session get there and do something
– don’t go thru the motions in workouts, improve focus
Coastal CrossFit
FOR Tanya Murray
– Consistent muscle ups
– Get a handstand push up, put some effort into achieving this goal
– Continue to work on push ups, have improved
FOR Gozz
– Squat twice a week
– if I can make it early to a session get there and do something
– don’t go thru the motions in workouts, improve focus
Coastal CrossFit
FOR Kim Forsythe
My very short-term goals are simple:
1. To do a perfect push-up (narrow)
2. To do a solid 10 sec. flexed arm hang
3. To be above the bottom 25% mark in times for running exercises ( I HATE running).
4. To minimize my “neediness” for special assistance and guidance from Chris and Marie
5. To do some hard work outside of Crossfit (run, cycle, push-ups, etc.) at least 2x week.
I am not sure what a reasonable time frame is for the above. 8 weeks?
Coastal CrossFit
FOR Mark Ferris
By June 30th:
1) 5 x proper, real, dinkum pull-ups (chin over the bar), no jumping assistance.
2) 30 seconds x uninterrupted double unders.
3) To establish sensible goals for the following three month and 6 month period
I’m not sure whether these goals are ambitious enough (or too ambitious?) but given where I started (zero pull ups / zero SINGLE unders), this would represent some progress in a 4 month period. (Just letting you know I did my homework!!)
Get consistent double unders
Get proper toes to bar not 1 big toe near the bar
Work on perfect pushups both at the gym and at home, also focus on getting a pullup
Focus on technique with oly lifts, get faster under the bar, keep elbows up
Strengthen my core, squat more and be able to run without completely hating it!
Steve E
My 6 months goals previously posted
100kg back squat
Overhead squat 50 kg
Stretch , improve Oly lifts
Lessons from the open, my biggest weakness still remains overhead movements therefore this will be my main goal over the next 6 months , I will attack this in a 2 ways
1. Mobility ( continue current program increase freq)
2. Strength split up into static barbell holds overhead , Oly lifts more push press , push jerk , and split jerk and c&j . ( goal 70 kg push press )
I will continue to work on
1.Squats ,last reset at 85kg my 6 month goal is to push up to 95 kg
2. Skills get double unders (70 without breaking), HSPU get comfortable upside down tended to ignore this movement previously !
3. Increase body weight 80 kg goal currently 78.5 kg
Goals for the future:
My general main goal I think at this point since I am still relatively new is to just keep sticking it out. So far cross fit has been one of the best changes to my lifestyle and attitude. More specifically however over the next 6 months I would like to see myself improve in strength components (steady increase in weight for all lifts, back squat increased to 85kg, overhead squat 45 – 50kg), mobility component (increase rep program), increase core strength and improve overall form. Also I would like to see myself try new things instead of just looking at it and thinking, ‘nah I wouldn’t be able to do that’ so I don’t. Pushing myself MAIN GOAL.