End of Nutritional Challenge- or is it? Firstly, congratulations to everyone that took on the nutritional challenge and stuck with it. I am sure you have noticed who those people are who gave the challenge a red hot go – as we have seen many of them fading away before our eyes, but even to their surprise, many of these individuals have been making massive gains in the box. Since kicking off the challenge in May many others have decided to take it on so we have members starting their individual challenge for the next month. As always please show your support by offering encouragement, sharing stories, recipes, etc. We would like to make mention of the following members who stood out to us during the nutritional challenge for various reasons including commitment and attitude: Bear, Jacko, Mick, Kelly, Brenden & Amanda (Circuit). Well done guys!! How did you/we go? The challenge was aimed at educating you to make the best choices for your health and goals- I.e. Fuelling your body through balance of quality macro and micro nutrients (everyone should know what these are by now). Our experience has shown that results are generally based on the following: – Understanding of what you are doing and how to implement them into your daily life. – Commitment to the challenge (self-control/restraint) in tough situations. – Acceptance and willingness towards change. During the first couple of weeks we had many individuals making the same mistakes- completely missing a macro-nutrient in meals, little variation (Eg. chicken and sweet potato in every meal), low water in-take, replacing sugar with substitutes, to name a few. If was great to see the identifiable changes over this time. From your prospective- The first week we saw many of you experience sugar withdrawals (some major) resulting in symptoms such as headaches, shakes and reduced attention span. Thankfully it all picked up from here and many started to feel better- higher levels of constant energy (rather than highs and lows), better quality sleep and patterns and reduced stress. Weeks three and four saw the greatest physical changes: Generally energy levels were higher and more consistent throughout the day but the visible signs towards goals including weight loss/gain, body composition changes, etc. were becoming more noticeable. If you haven’t achieved your goals be self-reflective and identify if you stayed committed over the duration of the challenge and if not why. Come and speak to us, it may be that you need some further adjustments or encouragement to keep your actions in line with your goals. Final meeting: If you have not already done so please see us for your final meeting. This will include general discussion and review of your goals, a weigh in and photo. However, please remember the scales aren’t the best indication of your success. We have had people who weigh in the same as the start; however their photos reveal a much different picture with significant changes in body composition. Recognise how you felt prior to the challenge, Eg. Energy levels, quality of sleep, stress levels, etc. these should all be areas of reflection. Feedback: We ask you take the time to fill out the feedback questionnaire that you should have received from us to let us know where we succeeded and where we can improve. A great suggested we have had was the challenge should finish with a social night where everyone can share recipes, successes, etc. We will look to include this at a social event soon. Where to from here? So the challenge is over- or is it? We are hoping that the results of your challenge are enough to inspire and motivate you to maintain many aspects of the challenge in your daily lives. You know how good you can feel/look and there is only more to come by continuing. That doesn’t mean you can never drink a drop of alcohol or have a slice of cake. Hopefully your desire to have these things is much less than before, but we want you to find a balance in your life that is sustainable and promotes good health. The 80/20 rule – Doing the right thing 80% of the time will allow you to continue to reap the benefits but still enjoy life in the meantime. The more time on this journey the less you will wanting/needing the foods you previously adored but instead want to indulge in quality foods. Be part of someone else’s journey by offering support and inspiration. Food is great, enjoy it, and share it – share good recipes (send them to us info@coastalcrossfit.com.au). If you notice positive changes in someone tell them. It may help keep them and you inspired and on track. Remember you are always only one meal away to being back on track. If you feel you are getting off track, be disciplined, use your experience to grab onto the reigns and take control. We thankyou for trusting us and are really happy with the overall attitude and commitment displayed throughout this period. Please remember Health and fitness is an on-going journey not a destination…. Enjoy it!!!! Further education The internet has a wealth of knowledge available at your fingertips. Some of our favourite sites are: Marks daily apple Mom and Raw Milk – Talk to Me Johnnie. The Whole 30 Tell Me What to Eat – Talk to Me Johnnie. Robb Wolf CrossFit Football Nutrition Prescription (especially for those wanting to be bigger, faster, stronger)
Coastal CrossFit
Great work to the morning crew with the majority managing unbroken sets of KB swings throughout the workout. Can the the midday and evening crews match this performance?