WOD: Tuesday

A. Back Squat 3 x 5 (add 2.5kg to last time)

B. 50-40-30-20-10 reps for time of:
Wall Squat
*12 min cut off.

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Health Is Bad For You: My Weird At Toronto’s Fitness Sh#t Show

Kenny Powers“Ask anybody out there, and they’ll tell you that the foundation of a great baseball player starts with an understanding of some basic fundamentals. Running, stretching, physical conditioning. These are the things that prepare your body for the many challenges a baseball player faces. I heard that bullsh#t thrown at me all my damn life. You know what Kenny Powers says? Fundamentals are the crutch for the talentless” – Kenny Powers.



  • June 18, 2013


    Natalie 72.5 kg / 7.00 rxd

    • Great work Nat!! More credit to you for completing the WOD first thing this morning. Have you found yourself a training partner?

  • June 18, 2013


    Haha it’s just habit now! There’s another girl out here who comes to the gym with me, occasionally haha but I mostly just train by myself – it’s not so bad! 🙂

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