WOD: Friday

A. Work to a 1RM Squat Clean + 3 Thrusters (20 min)

B. EMOM: Thrusters 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1
*min 1 = 10 Thrusters, min 2 = 9 Thrusters, min 3 = 8 Thrusters etc.

Post start/finish weight and completion to comments.

Lynne 5pm CrewThe Wednesday 5.00pm “Lynne” crew .  Stoked to see so many ladies turning up to what might have been considered a bro session.



  • June 21, 2013


    Natalie 52.5 kgs/ 37.5kg SDHP

  • It was a very quite morning guys- What went on…. was it the rain??? Let’s hope the pm crews are bigger.
    Well done to the morning crew. Some great PB’s and a real focus on good movement. Great to see!!!

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