WOD: Tuesday

A. Work to a heavy Hang Snatch + Full Snatch (1+1).

B. Death by Overhead Squat:
1 rep in the 1st minute, 2 in the 2nd, 3 in the 3rd etc.

Tips: The hang snatch and full snatch are not touch and go. Perform the lifts in succession but don’t be in such a rush to get onto the 2nd lift that you are pulling from a less than perfect position. Ideally both of these lifts should be received in the full squat but I am happy for less mobile folks to ride them through into the bottom of the squat.
For the overhead squat, pick a weight that should see you fail somewhere between the round of 7-10 and try to perform a full snatch into the first rep of each set if you’re a pretty proficient lifter.

Tues 5am Tues 6am Tues 12pm Tues 6pm Tues kids

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