WOD: Tuesday

A. Floor Press 3-3-3-3-3-3-3
*Superset with a max effort L-sit.

B. 1.2km Time Trial Run or Row

Tips: In simple terms the Floor Press is a Bench Press with a restricted range of motion. The athlete lays on the ground with the bar held at full extension over the chest and lowers the bar slowly until the elbows touch the ground. It is important that this is done with control and that the forearms and wrists are aligned vertically (as per the photo) when the elbows contact the ground. The floor press is a great way to build upper body pushing and lockout strength in that the restricted range of motion typically allows the athlete to push more weight than they could bench or overhead press.
If your L-sit is short or non existence, a plank based substitute will be offered.

Tues 5am Tues 6am


Tues kids 18Feb

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