WOD: Wednesday

A. Work to a max Power Clean + Full Clean (15 min)

B. EMOM for 10 minutes:
3 Deadlifts @ 1RM from Part A.
6 Box Jumps (pick your own height)

Tips: All too often we see athletes cut the power short in the full clean because they are preoccupied with the descent into the squat – focus on carrying the full hip extension that you (hopefully) achieve in the power clean to the full clean. These are not touch and go reps however there should not be a significant break between the reps (set up time only).
For Part B, don’t be afraid to up scale your deadlift load if your clean was limited by technical deficiencies in part A.
Rebounding box jumps may be used in Part B.

5am 6am circuit 12pm 5pm

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