WOD: Thursday

Five rounds for load of:
1 Shoulder Press
3 Push Press
5 Push Jerk
*Superset with a max effort set of Strict Pull-ups (see video here)
*All 9 barbell movements need to be performed in a single set.
*Correct movement is to be used eg. no push jerking the push press or push pressing the strict press.
*Rest 3 minutes between rounds.
*Aim to increment the weight on each round.

Tips: Be incremental in your weight choice with this complex. Remember that the shoulder press is a very finite movement that is limited by small muscle groups – small jumps mean big differences in difficulty.
Don’t forget your breathing – this is a potent complex that will leave you puffing like you just sprinted 400m. The challenge is to set your breath to aid with stability through the trunk while getting enough air in to see you get through the nine reps. Enjoy.

5am 6am 12pm

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