WOD: Tuesday

Reading: Need some help with Goal Setting – Challenge 2015.

With a continuously running clock…
at 0:00
Five rounds:
15 Wall Ball 10/6kg
10 T2B

at 10:00
Five rounds:
15 Russian KB Swings 32/24kg
30 Double-unders

at 20.00-25:00
Max reps Burpees (6″ target)

The aim of the game is to get through the first 2 parts of this with at least a couple of minutes rest before starting the next section. Think sprint, rest, sprint rest. If you know this is not going to happen with the prescribed loads/reps, then you should look at scaling from the start. If you’re not sure, give yourself an 8 min. cut off for the first 2 parts to save having to move into the next section without any rest.

5am6am 12pm 6pm

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