By Marie: Happy 2015 everyone. This is the time that many people will start to think about the year ahead … setting New Year’s Resolutions or goals; be more positive, lift more, smile more, etc, etc. Some truly believe that they really are going achieve their goals and others set some resolution because “it is the done thing” with no real intention of making any changes. Few people truly achieve such goals or don’t know when they have achieved them for reasons including: They don’t really want the goal or 2. They fail to plan to achieve their goal, 3. Their goal is unrealistic. 4. The goal is not measurable. In all aspects of life I believe satisfaction comes from ALL achievements, big and small … this makes the journey a worthwhile one. “It is good to have an end to journey toward; but it is the journey that matters, in the end.” ― Ernest Hemingway This article is aimed at helping you establish worthwhile goals; achieve PB’s or get your first Pull-up but also assist in improving other areas of your life. Life vision: Without getting all touchy feely, think about the type of person you want to be throughout your life. I.e. Now, in 5-10-20 and 50 years’ time. Create goals with this in mind. My health and fitness goals are to always be active and be physically and mentally competent to do any physical activities I love. To be able to enjoy life continue to be an active and involved parent (grandparent and great- grandparent). To look into the mirror and like what I see and age gracefully. To be a competitive CrossFitter inside our box and in the local CrossFit community. Design Outline: Step 1: Define EXACTLY what you want. Firstly, and I believe most importantly select goals that mean a lot to you. Write it down and tell somebody who is close to you who will help keep you accountable. It is easy to just say a goal and never review it; hence it is unlikely you will achieve it. Give yourself the best chance. Constantly remind yourself of what you want to achieve. We have the white board set up in the box- get your January & February goals out there so that our awesome community can help support one another. Step 2: Establish your plan Break your goal into small achievable steps and plan around any obstacles that may hinder your progress. Step 3: Be Positive Your goal is what you ARE going to achieve. The difference between wanting and having is completely in your hands and is dependent upon your efforts. Surround yourself with people that are going to reinforce your goals and believe in yourself. Step 4: S-M-A-R-T S– Specific Specific means clearly defined or identified and should be clear to anyone else. E.g. Not specific- I want to be stronger. Specific- I will deadlift 100kg. M-Measurable As with WOD’s you need to be able to measure your success. Define your standards, weights, movements, times, etc. Not measurable- Get Fit. Measurable- Run 400m in under 90seconds, achieve 5 full range of motion Toes to Bar, lose 5kg of fat. A-Attainable If you currently can’t complete a correct body weight Squat, a 100kg Back Squat would be mentally and physically unattainable in the short term. Your goals should encourage and push you along and be realistic. A short term goal of a 20kg Back Squat would be more attainable and keep you moving. R-Relevant Be sure your smaller goals align and support the vision you have for your life. T-Timely Specifying a time deadline for your goal will give you an end point and makes your goal attainable. An open ended goal provides no incentive to work. Now is the time to get pen to paper, set your goals and establish your plan on how you will achieve them. Goal plan- E.g. 5 Pull-ups, 100kg Deadlift, Sub 5min Fran, etc. Physical Achievements inside the Gym: Time frame 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Physical achievements outside of the Gym: Compete in 3 friendly local CrossFit competitions this year, Tough Mudder, Run a marathon, Kokoda (NOT!!) Physical achievement outside of the Gym: Time frame 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Physical Appearance: E.g. To look good in a bikini, to lose 5kg of fat, to gain 5kg of muscle. Time frame 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Mental: E.g. To be positive influence in the gym and to motivate others. To fight the voice and keep going when all I want is to stop. Time frame 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Nutrition: Eliminate sugar, reduce caffeine, only one cheat meal a week. Time frame 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Break down your goals Establish your plan of how you will achieve each of your goals. Physical: Eg. 5 Strict Pull-ups. I will achieve this by February by working pull-ups every second day to the best of my ability in varying formats. I will ask Chris and Marie for guidance. Sub 5min FRAN. Every Friday during Open Gym I will work thruster skills and practice linked reps at RXD weight. Work pull-up technique. I will get Marie or Chris to watch my movement to identify areas that can be improved. I will complete FRAN at the end of February. Physical Appearance: I will take a photo of me now and put it in a visible place for additional encouragement. I will identify weaknesses in my nutrition and actively improve upon them. Mental: I will be positive and encouraging to others in the gym. I will be aware of my mental weaknesses and will choose to push out at least 1 extra rep when I really don’t want to. Nutrition: Eliminate sugar from my diet and commit to one cheat meal per week. I will drink alcohol only once per week. I will ask my partner, family members, and friends to support me. I will pre plan and organise my meals to reduce temptation. Now all you need…