WOD: Wednesday

Please note that due to maintenance works that the 5 and 6am sessions on Thursday will have to enter the gym via the rear alley way.  Please park on the street as per normal (i.e. do not park in the alley way) and walk around to the rear door. Thanks.

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 4, 8, 12, 16 or 20 minutes of:
25 toes-to-bars
50 double-unders
15 squat cleans*

Begin with a 4 minute time cap. If 1 round is completed in under 4 minutes extend time to 8 minutes. If 2 rounds are completed in under 8 minutes extend time to 12 minutes. Etc., adding 4 minutes per round completed for up to 20 minutes.

*1st round, 25/50/15 reps 50/35kg
2nd round, 20/40/12 reps 65/45kg
3rd round, 15/30/9 reps 80/55kg
4th round, 10/20/6 reps 90/65kg
5th round, 5/10/3 reps 105/75kg




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