Seven, 90 second rounds of: 10 Lateral Burpees 5 Hang Power Cleans 70/45kg Max reps Double-unders *Rest 90 seconds between rounds. *Accumulate a 30 second Flexed Arm Hang during your rest. Post number of double-unders to comments. Well done to Tony D for getting his first Muscle-up! “Eating sugar triggers the release of insulin, the most amazing hoarder you’ve ever met. Imagine a slightly creepy relative, one that is overly obsessive about cleaning; except for the fact that they don’t have a rubbish bin, they just clea…n everything constantly, but put the dirt and rubbish into the cupboards. This is insulin. Now imagine giving that hoarding weirdo a line of cocaine, laced with speed and mixed into a litre of coffee, topped with a mother drink. Their behaviour is similar to what insulin is like, when fed sugar. It packs everything (and I mean everything) into the lovely little storage spaces in your body we know as fat cells. Just remember that fat cells are not necessarily cells, they are empty bags waiting to be filled. They will always be there, and they are always ready to be filled with junk… On top of this, insulin is a real sugar junkie. If it gets a sniff or a taste, it just wants more. You feel this as hunger. Even though you just ate half your body weight in mcdonalds; 10 minutes later, you’re ready to go again, and feeling a little sick (because you’re dehydrated). Oh, that’s right, insulin doesn’t just pack the food into the cells, it lines it with water.” Thanks to Tanya R for sharing this.