WOD: Tuesday

*Look out for a detailed re-cap of the Clash in the coming days, but in the meantime we want to express our immense gratitude to the many people who selflessly helped us with the set up and pack up. It’s events like these that remind us of the many great people that surround us. Chris & Marie.

EMOM x 3:
5 Muscle Cleans
Loading: Fast and unbroken

Rest 1 min.

EMOM x 4:
4 Power Cleans
Loading: Moderately Heavy

Rest 1 min.

EMOM x 5:
3 Cleans
Loading: Heavy singles

Rest 1 min.

For time:
Deadlift/Burpee over barbell (opposing ladder)
10/1 > 1/10 reps.
*Use loading from the final EMOM.

Photo: Courtesy of CrossFit Cooltown. Cooltown Gorilla’s- RXD Winners Clash on the Coast 2019.
Awesome work crew.



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