This past week we were all thrown into an unprecedented situation one of which we have lost our control over certain aspects of our lives.  “Control what you can, confront what you can’t”.

Covid 19 has certainly taken over the world- We need to ensure the most vulnerable are looked after throughout this time.  If everyone works together, we will all come out stronger on the other side.   

I am thankful that years of training CrossFit – constantly putting ourselves into uncomfortable situations means that we have built our resilience and adaptability to overcome – Looking back over this past week we have all handled this but have a long way to go. 

We are looking forward to the day we can once again open our doors to you all but until then, here we go…  Let’s ride this roller coaster together…. 

This week we implemented stage 1 of our new service moving forward for an unknown duration.   

*Disclaimer: We understand that the service we are providing is not what you signed up for, however this situation has been out of our control- we will however aim to adapt to the situation to continue to provide our best service to you and most importantly retain your health, fitness, resilient, social connections and our community.  Remember we are all in this together, you are not alone!!! 

IF YOU WISH TO SUSPEND/CANCEL YOUR MEMBERSHIP throughout this time please contact me immediately. 


  • Providing Online WODs – (As all members have access to our minimal suggested equipment, we have decided to forego the basic body weight WOD in favour of something you all have access to).  We are adding in detail to give you a greater understanding of approach, scaling, modification, etc. 
  • Provide Warm up, WOD Brief and Movement Video via our members Facebook page the day prior.  If you are completing the WOD with us via Zoom or by yourself, please watch the movement videos at a minimum. 
  • Lend out equipment – We have issued equipment to all members that have requested it.  Still a few to come and pick up.  At a minimum we request all members have access to at least 1 dumbbell, kettlebell or barbell.  We are happy to issue remaining equipment in the box (with the exception of our personal training gear). 
  • Establish ZOOM Group Workouts for group participation at the same times as our regular scheduled classes. I was a little hesitant as to how this would work but am really enjoying the process and still feel I can provide valuable coaching.  If you haven’t tried it, I highly suggest you do before you write off the idea. (My keen eye is getting keener- you will be coached and picked up on movement- this is not anything goes).  For those that have participated please provide feedback and comments for others. 
  • “SIP & STRETCH” – I don’t know if this is more for me or you guys- but I loved it!! I already miss seeing all of your faces- this time gives us extra time to talk crap and have some fun.  30mins stretch/30 mins of banter conversation, etc. 
  • Small group outdoor session Saturday- We will continue to operate small face to face sessions where possible (as long as government rulings apply).  
  • Our mentality, “No man/women gets left behind”. We are extremely grateful to everyone for your continued support and want to retain our amazing community so that we can re-open with our full crew in tack.  
    Our members that can continue to pay thankyou- you are allowing us to continue to provide our service and retain our community.  If you do not feel you are receiving value or are not happy please talk to us. 

This is just the beginning and in our opinion is not the time to take away a vital support due to someone’s inability to pay (completely out of their control).  Unfortunately, I expect there may be many more facing the same situation in the future.  We will be there for you!! 

If you have any suggestions, please contact me to discuss- we would love your assistance. 


It would be greatly appreciated if all members could fill out:

STAGE 2 FORM: Moving Forward.

Continue to ZOOM Group Sessions

Lend out more equipment as we can and further provide for individual needs.

Contact each of you individually to see how you would like to progress (No judgement from us). 

Can’t make ZOOM sessions or want more- Please let me know.  We can keep you accountable on an individual basis. 

Individual/small group training program Online/Outdoors. If you have your own gym set-up and are not limited to the minimal equipment required for ZOOM class we can create a program to suit.  This may include 1-5 sessions per week – Online or meet up. 

Full customized program- Individual, 1:1 Zoom, Face to face (while we can), etc. This would be at an additional cost depending upon what you were after.

Challenges- To keep you all on track we will be putting some challenges (individual and group) to assist in keeping you motivated. More details to come….

Let’s see how STAGE 2 goes and we will move forward from there.  Taking one day at a time. 


We love you all…. 

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