Members please check Facebook for warm-up, WOD Brief & Movement videos. Log in your ZOOM time or Home WOD.
“SIP & STRETCH” @5pm – Be sure to login early.
Attendance across the board has been great-Keep it up!!
Feedback from Mark regarding those on the Nutrition challenge has been really positive. Well done!!
Our crew has shown so much resilience, adaptability and most importantly community!!! We look back on this past week and can’t help but be overwhelmed from the love and support and have so much pride in our community!! Thank you each and every one of you.
Keep the photos coming. If you are training at home be sure to log it so you get the credit you deserve.
Run/Row/Skip 2 minutes.
Mobility: 3 rounds of:
Single leg Romanian deadlift 3-5 per side
Downward dog + ankle stretch
Dynamic hips (circles, pulses, etc)
Progression: 5 repetitions of each movement:
Push-ups>Sumo Deadlift> Run 10m Foward/Backwards x 2
Sprawl>Russian KB Swings>Run 10m Foward/Backwards x 2
Burpees>Full Kettlebell Swings> Run 10m Foward/Backwards x 2
0-5 Minutes:
Run 800-1000m (2 mins out/back)
5-15 Minutes: EMOM x 10minutes
10-15 Kettlebell Swings
15-20 Minutes:
Max repetition burpees (onto plate)
*Scored component is the burpees.
Scaling/substitution: Dumbbell Swings or plate Ground to Overhead.
#Notes: You should come in around 4 minutes from the run to allow rest prior to the EMOM. Pick a range of motion and repetitions for the KB that allows for completion in 40 seconds or less on the first round. Hold that number across all 10 rounds.
Your burpees are the scored component- work our your best strategy to earn the highest repetitions.
*Saturday heads up- Grab yourself a real life partner or a Zoom partner.
Photo: Courtesy of Mykie. Daniel’s after pic following the WOD.