WOD: Wednesday

Happy 11th birthday to our beautiful little Tarzan (Jesse).
May your long hair flow free and your feet run bare – we wouldn’t want you any other way!!

Run/Row/Skip 1 minutes:
2 rounds of:
7 Squats
7 Sit-up & Reach

Run/Row/Skip 1 minutes:
2 rounds of:
7 Toyota Jumps
7 Knee raise/Knees to elbow/ Toes to Kettlebell
5 Push-ups

*Work up in weight on snatch/progress towards toes to bar

Increment as far as possible in 12 minutes of:
Toes to Bar/Toes to kettlebell x 2 (3-6-9-12….)
Snatch (3-6-9-12…)
Run 200m

Optional (but highly recommended)
EMOM – Push or Pull
Pick your movement & your repetitions

Push= Push-ups/Dips (Box or Ring)/Handstand push-ups
Pull= Strict,kip, Strict C2B, kip C2B, Bar Muscle-ups, Ring Muscle-ups

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