WOD: Friday

3 rounds of:
Skip x 30
Walking lunge 10m
Single leg romanian deadlift

5 rounds of:
Double-under x 10-20
Box Step>Box Jumps x 5
Kettlebell Swings x 5 (Start at Russian>progress to Full)

Complete each for time of:
30 KB Swings
60 Box Jumps/Step ups
120 Double- unders
Rest 2 minutes,

then, for time:
20 KB Swings
40 Box Jumps/Step ups
80 Double- unders
Rest 1 minute,

then, for time:
10 KB Swings
20 Box Jumps/Step ups
40 Double- unders

*Record- time for each set + Total work time.
Scale: Work in reverse and reduce increment on the way up.
Eg. 10/20/40 repetitions then increase to 15/30/45, etc.

Optional Finisher:
EMOM x 10 minutes:
“X’ Push or “X” Pull

*Choose either a push or pull movement. Ideally the opposite to what you selected on Wednesday.
*Work foundations first

Photo: Don’t have anywhere to do pull-ups. It doesn’t have to be perfect to be effective. Time to get creative.

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