WOD: Tuesday

Alternate between Run 100m & movements below:
1. Ankle mobility
2. Bear crawl x 10m
3. Spiderman x 10m

Turkish Get-up practice:
Start with body weight or light weight and move through turkish get-up sequence. Slow & Controlled.
Add weight- work your way up in weight.

EMOM x 10 minutes:
Turkish Get-up x 2 reps (one on left, one on the right)
*Choose a weight that you are able to maintain a rep on each side within the minute.

3 x 400m runs on a 4 minute cycle.
Record your time for each run.

Start run at 0-4-8 minutes.

Photo: The leader (alpha male) of CrossFit Wolfpack. Blessed to be part of your pack Timmy Gorsch.

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