Run/Row/Skip?Bike 2 minutes
2 rounds of:
5 Kip swings
5 Muscle Cleans/Clean & Jerk or Sumo Deadlift
2 rounds of:
3 Pull-ups
5 Power Cleans/Dumbbell Snatch (per side)/Sumo Deadlift high pulls
Work technique then increase in weight (5-10 minutes)
Increment as far as possible in 20 minutes of:
Power Cleans 60/40kg / Dumbbell Snatch (per side)/Sumo Deadlift Highpull x 2
Run 200m
*Complete 1 Power Clean + 1 Pull-up, Run 200m, then 2 Power Cleans + 2 Pull-ups, Run 200m, etc… Increase in repetitions as far as possible in the 20 minutes.
*Dumbbell Snatch or Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (Increase by 2 reps per round)
*Weight guide: Choose a weight that allows for some touch & go repetitions.
*No pull-up bar- you are on BURPEES with a jump over the barbell!!!
Goal: Aim to complete up to 10 repetitions within the given time frame.
Photo: Just a regular Dad achieving extraordinary things. Make space and time to dedicate to your health and fitness. Your family will thank you for it!!