WOD: Monday

Advance as far as possible in 20 minutes:
25 Hang Cleans 60/40kg
20/14 Hand Release Push-ups
20 Hang Cleans 70/47.5kg
20/14 Hand Release Push-ups
15 Hang Cleans 80/55kg
20/14 Hand Release Push-ups
10 Hang Cleans 90/62.5kg
20/14 Hand Release Push-ups
5 Hang Cleans 100/70kg
20/14 Hand Release Push-ups
*For anyone who finishes, perform an AMRAP of the final round until 20 minutes is complete.

Photo: Mark. It has been great seeing Mark focusing on the finer points of his lifts – it has been paying dividends in the quality of his movement. Awesome work Mark!!!

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