We are proud to announce the athlete of the month is Natalie Ferris (NATA!!) and what a month it has been!!!!

Since her parents (Kim & Mark) purchased a CrossFit membership as part of her 13th birthday present, we have had the honor of being a part of Nata’s life and watched her develop into the amazing person she is today.
Nata moved away to pursue her passion and love of theater (university) at the start of 2019- so although not for great reason we couldn’t be happier to have had her back during the past few months.
This past few months Nata’s training has gone from strength to strength (regular Zoom training and now back in the box). She is absolutely smashing it in all aspects of fitness. Most recently achieving personal best in Cleans, Snatch and cardio workouts (which was not generally her forte). Nata your hard work is paying off. You are a huge inspiration!!! We love having you back.
Nata will receive a gift pack including a treatment from Body Mechanics Myotherapy (thanks to Aden) https://www.facebook.com/bodymechanicsmyotherapy/
and a B-Fresh voucher.
Get to know more about Nata below:
The Ferris’s (All 3 of them) Mark, Kim & Nata- If you have met Nata’s parents Mark & Kim you will understand what makes Nata so special – This apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. If you haven’t met them then you need to!!! Life is better with this family in it.

– What made you start CrossFit?
When we first moved to Australia at the end of 2012, my parents started CrossFit. They would talk about it non-stop, discuss their strategies at dinner, and argue over proper technique. It seemed like they were loving it! So about a year later, right around my 13th birthday, I started CrossFit and have been doing it ever since!
– What are your favourite CrossFit moments?
There are so many memorable moments throughout the years…! First push up, pull-up, double under. My first competition was the Clash On The Coast. I have always loved Olympic Lifting, and I competed at a state level when I was in high school. One particular moment that comes to mind was during the 2018 Open and I was unable to participate because of my knee injury. I was the cheerleader/counter and I witnessed my awesome mom get a new PB for her clean! Photo below! It seems that every week there are awesome moments that mark our personal achievements – just last week, I got a 62.5kg snatch! Yahoo!
– What are your other passions in life and how does CrossFit help (if it does).
I am half-way through my Acting degree at the Queensland Conservatorium and my passions in life include singing, dancing, performing, baking, and travel. CrossFit has not only improved my health and made me fitter, but it has allowed me to grow as a person! It has taught me discipline, organisation, and how to form and stick to good habits.
– What does Coastal CrossFit mean to you and how has it impacted you?
Coastal CrossFit is my second family and this community has literally watched me grow up! As much as I love the Arts, CrossFit is a place where I can step out of my normal world and challenge myself in different ways to my professional life! The Coastal CrossFit community has been so supportive of me over the last 6 years or so by coming to my shows, CrossFit Comps and more!