WOD: Tuesday

Note: This session will be tight for time please know your numbers prior to turning up.

A. Back Squat (Week 2) (Calculate upon 90% of 1RM)
70% x 3
80% x 3
90% x 3+

B. Partner Workout
3 x 3 minute rounds:
2 x 1 minute max cal row
60 second flexed arm hang

Rest 2 minute

3 x 3 minute rounds:
2 x 1 minute max cal bike
60 second plank

* Each partner must complete 1 minute on rower/bike.
* Flexed arm hang and plank can be shared anyhow between the partners within the 3 minute round.

Photo: Christine. Welcome to Coastal- jumping straight into the mix for the Coastal IN-BOX Open. Great to have you on board.

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