WOD: Tuesday

A huge thank you to our amazing community who have shown unwavering support for us and one another.
Loan of equipment has started. Members please complete the Lockdown training and equipment form (Facebook members page) and nominate your chosen equipment and training option. To ensure the love is shared, all members will receive at least 2 pieces of equipment before any additional issues.

It has been great to see so many new faces on ZOOM- Welcome Mark M & Barb. We recommend giving it a try before you dismiss it- it is always fun with our crew. Remember other training options are also available.

Two rounds for reps:
2 minutes: Single skips (aim for unbroken)
2 minutes: Max burpees
2 minutes: Single skips (aim for unbroken)
2 minutes: Max repetition Grasshoppers
2 minutes: Single skips (aim for unbroken)
2 minutes: Max Candlesticks

*Focus should be on quality/full range of motion.

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