WOD: Saturday

For total load moved:
0-4 minutes
Run 360m
Max Deadlifts
Rest 2 minutes
6-10 minutes
Run 360m
Max Power Cleans
Rest 2 minutes
12-16 minutes:
Run 360m 
Max Shoulder to Overhead
Rest 2 minutes
18-22 minutes
Run 360m
Max Power Cleans
Rest 2 minutes
24-28 minutes:
Run 360m
Max Deadlifts

*All movements to be completed at the same weight.
* Score= total repetitions x weight.  Eg. 212 reps x 40kg= 8480kg moved or 180 reps x 60kg = 10800kg moved.  
*Use your knowledge of your own abilities to strategize for your best result.  

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