Queens birthday

The gym will be closed Monday 4th October, due to the Queen’s birthday public holiday.

Here is one you can do from home:

A. Death by (choose your activity)
Shuttle run X 10m, or
Double-unders X 10reps
*Choose starting reps to allow for at least 10minutes of work. Eg. 5x10m shuttle run start, increment by 1 shuttle run every minute, rest out remainder of the minute.

B. Death by:
Goblet Squat/Air Squat (1-4 reps) or
One legged squat (pistol) (1 per side).

Choose reps that allow you to increment for at least 7 minutes.

Every minute on the minute (EMOM) X 10minutes:
A. Shuttle run or double under practice (40sec on/20seconds off)
B. Squat or Pistols (choose own reps and hold). Approx. 30seconds of quality reps.

Have a fabulous day everyone. See you Tuesday!!

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