WOD: Saturday

For total load:
0-4 minutes:
Run 360m
Max Deadlifts 50/35kg
Rest 2 minutes
6-10 minutes:
Run 360m
Max Power Cleans 50/35kg
Rest 2 minutes
12-16 minutes:
Run 360m
Max Shoulder to Overhead 50/35kg
Rest 2 minutes:
18 - 22 minutes:
Run 360m
Max Power Cleans 50/35kg
Rest 2 minutes
24 - 28 minutes:
Run 360m
Max Deadlifts 50/35kg 

*All movements to be completed at the same weight. * Score= total repetitions x weight. Eg. 212 reps x 35kg= 7,420kg moved or 180 reps x 50kg = 9,000kg moved. 
Photo: Welcome on board to Olivia Edmonds - joining our Coaching crew.

Photo: We are excited to welcome Olivia Edmonds on board as our new Coach. Starting next week Olivia will be a regular in the box, both as a Coach and athlete.       

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