WOD: Monday

Reminder: Our 8 week strict pull-up challenge has started.
The goal is to develop our strict pulling capacity- whether increasing our max strict pull-ups or working towards your first strict pull-up. Consistency is key and we encourage everyone to join in.
Rules: Establish your base line (Max strict or max Flexed Arm Hang) & add you name to the board.
– Actively work towards your movement 3 times per week. Tick off each time you complete (should be minimum of 3 at the end of the week)
– Do this for 8 weeks
– Remeasure.
Please hold other members accountable- names on the board. I am excited to see how much we can improve.

Every 3 minutes for 8 cycles:
7 Power Cleans
9 Front Squats
‘X’ Toes to Bar
*Choose load and repetitions and maintain across all rounds.

Photo: Jesse working strict pull-ups on our weekend away.

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