WOD: Friday

BEST OF LUCK to Kim and Deb who are both competing at the Masters League finals in Melbourne. You have both done the work now it is time to test and have fun!!! Regardless of the outcome you ladies have done us all proud and prove that age is just a number – TRUE INSPIRATIONS!!!
We can’t wait to be there with our pom poms to cheer you both on!!

For load and time:
10 Dumbbell Strict Press
Run 560m
20 Dumbbell Push Press
Run 560m
30 Dumbbell Push Jerk
Run 560m
20 Dumbbell Push Press
Run 560m
10 Dumbbell Strict Press

*Choose the heaviest load that allows you to complete the work within a 20 minute time cap.

OPEN GYM: Focus on Double-unders with Luke. Looking to get more efficient or achieve your first double-unders Luke will be sharing some tips and tricks so be sure to join him 😀

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