WOD: Wednesday

A. Work up to a heavy Snatch for the the day. Power or Squat.

B. EMOM x 11:
1. 10 DB Shoulder Press
2. 9 DB Shoulder Press/1 Push up
3. 8 DB Shoulder Press/2 Push up
4. 7 DB Shoulder Press/3 Push up
5. 6 DB Shoulder Press/4 Push up
6. 5 DB Shoulder Press/5 Push up
7. 4 DB Shoulder Press/6 Push up
8. 3 DB Shoulder Press/7 Push up
9. 2 DB Shoulder Press/8 Push up
10. 1 DB Shoulder Press/9 Push up
11. 10 Push up
*Maintain DB load.
*Aim for unbroken movements with minimal transition time btw.
*Pick the heaviest load that allows for the points above.

Photo: Welcome to Coastal CrossFit Sam.

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