Our goal is live a long life that we love – supported through good nutrition and training.
We want the same for you!!
Whether you goal is simply to feel great, lose or gain weight, or optimize performance be sure to join us.
Following our Nutrition 101 presentation last week I have had multiple members asking about “The Zone Diet” for optimized health and or performance.
Understanding the principles behind “The Zone” has undoubtedly been the best time investment in my health in regards to nutrition.
Our role is to educate and support your towards “Wellness & Fitness”, come and join us if you would like to learn more and to feel the difference.
Date: Thursday 3rd November
Time: 5:30pm
To get the most out of the session:
Bring a note pad & pen.
Bring photos of your meals from a typical day of eating.
READ – “The Zone Diet” – link below
A summary-
Chris and I discovered the “Zone Diet” the CrossFit prescription for nutrition coming on 14 years ago and have reaped the benefits ever since.
Through education we realized that our typically “good diet” was not so great and we became open to learning and improvement. We were able to optimize our health and performance and to this day we structure our meals around the concepts learnt.
Since then our family and many of our athletes have continued to benefit with lifelong wellness and fitness.