EMOM x 25 minutes:
Min 1: Row 180/160m
Min 2: ‘X’ Devils Press 22.5/15kg *
Min 3: 50 Double-unders
Min 4: ‘X’ Toes to Bar *
Min 5: Rest
*Choose repetitions that are challenging but repeatable under the EMOM format. Maintain repetitions across all rounds.
Home Workout:
EMOM x 20 minutes:
Min 1: 10-12 x 10m Shuttle Runs
Min 2: ‘X’ Push-ups *
Min 3: 50 Double-unders (or object jumps)
Min 4: ‘X’ Toes to Kettlebell or Strict Sit-ups *
*Choose repetitions that are challenging but repeatable under the EMOM format. Maintain repetitions across all rounds.
Photo: Chrissie and her son Gordan will be shaving their heads tomorrow at 11am for Cancer research. Congratulations on reaching your target of over $5000. It isn’t too late to donate – Donate Here