WOD: Wednesday

AMRAP in 3minutes:
Rest 1 minute
AMRAP in 6 minutes:
Rest 2 minutes
AMRAP in 9 minutes:

Choose option for AMRAP *
Option 1:
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Squats

Option 2:
5 Chest to bar pull-ups
10 Hand Release Push-ups (Feet on 20kg plate)
15 Single leg squats (alternating)

Option 3:
5 Bar Muscle-ups
10 Handstand Push-ups
20 Pistols

*Option should be challenging but allow for continued movement.

Photo: Masters League. 
We have some of our Masters crew kicking off the Masters League this Friday. Bring your pom poms to cheer our crew on. 
For those thinking of joining them it isn't too late.  Chat to Andy - read below for more info. 

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