WOD: Thursday

Clean & Jerk Technique

A. EMOM x 3 minutes:
3 Clean & Jerks (light load)
Rest 1 minute
EMOM x 3 minutes:
2 Clean & Jerks (moderate load)
Rest 1 minute
EMOM x 7 minutes:
1 Clean & Jerk (Build in load)

B. Partner workout
For time:
5-4-3-2-1-2-3-4-5 repetitions:
Unbroken Clean & Push Jerk *
*Choose a weight to allow for linked repetitions.
Both partners to complete all repetitions (29 reps)

Photo: So pumped to seeing Dani A smashing the Open 23.3.  
Side note: Dani is our in house travel agent. If you are looking to travel Dani is the person to see. 

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