WOD: Wednesday

A. In 10 minutes:
Max Strict Pull-ups/Ring Row
Max Strict Handstand Push-ups/Dips/Push-ups

*Only balanced repetitions count. Eg. Score 50 = 50 Pull-ups/50 Push-ups

B. Four rounds for reps/cals:
Min 1: Bike
Min 2: Rest
Min 3: Row
Min 4: Rest
Min 5: Shuttle Run
Min 6: Rest

*Goal: Maintain highest number of cals/reps you can hold in the minute (across all rounds)
Scale: Max reps/cals completed.

Photo: Congratulations to Bodo who had been working on handstand walks in the lead up to the Masters Game. The feeling must have been great when you achieved what you thought you couldn’t.
This reminded me of an article written in 2013 about Bodo – Spitting Sparks
(definitely worth the read). Bodo you truly are a champion!!

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