What a community!!!
YOU ALL ALLOW ME TO LIVE MY DREAM – thank you for trusting in me and in each other. Together we have created one amazing community. Thank you all so much for being a part of it!!!
A huge thank you to our Coaching crew – Danielle, Dob & Luke. THE DREAM TEAM!!!
You invest so much and love and care into our community.
To each and everyone of you –
“Every day you choose to do what other won’t, so tomorrow you can do what others can’t“
Congratulations to you all- you are exceptional!!
EACH YEAR WE AWARD OUTSTANDING individuals for the achievements. This year we are proud to award the following:
NEW & IMPROVED – This award is for a newer members who has displayed significant improvement in quality of movement, health, and fitness.
This acknowledges the dedication towards self-improvement in health and fitness.
Amazing effort – Natalia.

Starting at CrossFit a little over one year ago, Natalia has moved forward in all aspects of health and fitness. It was great to see Natalia sign herself up at a CrossFit gym in Brazil over her holidays as she didn’t want to miss out on training. Natalia proves to be extremely coachable (stemming from her many years as a high-level Brazilian Jujitsu athlete and coach.
We look forward to sharing your continued health journey with you.
This award is for the person who displays a selfless support of other members during the year.
Time and time again this person have shown dedication and love of our community, camera in hand.

Throughout the year Grant has captured so many moments and memories – the good times, the great times and the not-so-great times. His photos tell a story of our community, the love, support, friendships and everything between.
Be sure to follow Grants instagram @GrantWilliamsphoto
An individual who provides inspiration to peers by challenging themselves towards greater functionality health and fitness and towards leading their best life. This year’s Inspiration award goes to Greg.
At 73 years young you are keeping us all on our toes. A constant reminder we are never too old to learn and take on new experiences.
This year Greg focused on mastering Wall Walks, OHS, toes to bar and many other movements. He competed as his first international CrossFit competition and started swimming lessons.

We all choose what our future will look like – and I want to be like Greggy!!
This award goes to the individual who has demonstrated outstanding improvement though out the year. This person works on weaknesses, embraces coaching, and tries their best day in/day out.
I am delighted to award our athletic achievement award to Barb.

What a transformation year – with focus on health and being the best she can be, it feels like everyday Barb is making a new discovery of what she is capable of. Linked toes to bar, pull-ups, chest to bar pull-ups, and so much more. This past 12 months has been nothing short of astounding.
The best part is seeing your shift in confidence and your excitement to get into the gym and see what else you are capable of without restriction.
We look forward to seeing your achievements in the coming year.
Every year we have a group of athletes that are extremely close for this title.
This year, due to being consistent with checking into classes – this award goes to Luka with over 200 attendances.

This award goes towards the individual who possess the ideal attributes from a coaching perspective. It is important to note this award is not for the highest achiever, but an athlete that embodies discipline, coachability, positivity, lack of ego, and a focus on health and wellbeing, and provide support for our wider community.
I am sure you will agree that this award is well deserved by Michael Walsh.

Since starting at Coastal, Michael has been extremely disciplined in his consistency (training every weekday).
Looking back this past twelve months and beyond you’ve worked actively towards being better which has seen your move from strength to strength and you are only getting better.
Qualifying for the Master League championships, where he ran his first 4km and hit many PBs whilst competing at his first international event was amazing. This is huge, especially as Michael had a hip replacement years ago, and has defied odds achieving more than he, or his doctors thought possible.
The most impressive feat is stepping well out of your comfort zone to adapting to what come your way. You should be so proud!!
This award is a new award which I know will be highly sought after.
Hard work/dedication/athleticism/ strategy – this award encompasses it all.
FISH GAME fever has taken over the gym, one man has succeeded where others couldn’t!!
The sweet taste of victory!!
FISH KING HAT should be worn with pride!!!
Inaugural FISH HAT – Photo TBA