WOD: Monday

Thank you to everyone for your understanding and messages of support following the cancelation of the IN-BOX OPEN Party.
As a result we have not yet assigned a WINNING TEAM so all athletes completing Open 24.3 today will still be awarded points. Please get nominations for SPIRIT of IN-BOX and Best dressed to Marie by Tuesday morning.

A. Complex – Technique
1 Power Snatch +
2 Snatch Balance +
3 Overhead Squats

B. AMRAP in 10 minutes:
10/7 Push-ups
14 Overhead Lunge (20/15kg Plate)
35 Double-unders

OPEN 24.3

Photo: Congratulations to Paula getting her first Bar Muscle-up on Saturday during 24.3. This is what the OPEN is about. Surrounding yourself with an amazing community that encourage and hype you to achieve new things. Soooo awesome!!!

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