Attendance Challenge

Attendance has been much lower over the past couple of months – Let’s turn this around!!!
Frequency and consistency is the key to improvement and improvements lead to higher levels of motivation.
In an effort to light the fires of motivation we have decided to run an attendance challenge.   
Our Challenge to you all during August/September is to achieve a minimum of 4 days training per week, each week.   Individuals that achieve this (starting tomorrow Friday 16th August – 30 September) will have their names placed in a hat and one person will be drawn out at random to a receive a Coastal CrossFit Shirt.

Notice someone missing? Remember we are all better together!!! Share the love and help each other out. If someone is M.I.A reach onto them – a training partner and our community is the best!!

Want to see progression? Turn up more frequently:
Base line- We recommend a minimum of 3 days a week (this will allow you to see progression and keeps your routine in check)
4 Days a week (gets things rolling much quicker)
5 days a week is considered 100% attendance (You can be guaranteed those that are performing best in the gym are hitting 5 days consistently).

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