WOD: Wednesday

AMRAP in 20 minutes:
20 Burpees
12 Toes to Bar
9-7-5-3-Max Squat Clean
Rest 1 minute

40/35kg, 50/42.5kg, 60/50kg, 70/57.5kg, 80/65kg

Complete burpees, T2B then 9 Squat Clean at weight 1. Rest 1 minute.
Continue with format increasing weight and reducing reps on squat cleans (7-5-3) resting 1 minute following each set of squat cleans.
On final round, complete BP, T2B and Max reps Squat Cleans.

Score = total repetitions completed.

Congratulations to Dani A & Josh on their engagement. We could not be happier for you both!!! đź’“đź’“

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