WOD: Saturday

Join Luke at 7am for a fun partner WOD. (Please note there is no 8am session due to low numbers)

Partner Chipper
For time:
120 Thrusters 20/15kg
80 Toes to bar
120 Burpees
80 Pull-ups
*Run 180m every time you swap.
*At all times- One person completing repetitions/1 person running
*30 minutes time cap.

100 Wallball, 60 Toes to bar, 100 Burpees, 60 Pull-ups.

AMRAP in 20 minutes:
30 Wallball (Med ball thrusters)
20 Knee Raises
30 Burpees
20 Ring Rows
Split work of each movement, then run together at the completion of movement.

Photo: A huge shout out to Caitlin having an absolute epic day in the box. A 7.5kg PB on Snatch @52.5kg & still lots more there.
Then, finishing OPEN 21.1 in 14.59 RXD. The only person in the box to finish. An awesome athlete/human and her journey is just beginning.

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