WOD: Thursday

Snatch Technique drills
*Emphasis on developing snatch mechanic with light weight or PVC (Focus position and speed)

3 minutes:
3 sets of 3 reps, then swap with partner
1. Ground/Mid shin
2. Above knee
3. Extended position (triple extension)

3 minutes:
2 sets of 2 reps, then swap with partner
1. Muscle Snatch from hang (focus extension, fast turn over, keep bar close)
2. OHS slow and controlled

B. 12 minutes (Increment in weight as quality allows)
Power Snatch + Hang Snatch (any style) *
*Focus on bar path, speed and catch position.

C. Optional:
3 Rounds for quality:
10 second L-Sit hold (Scale to tuck hold)
15 second Handstand hold (Wall hold)
Rest 1 minute between rounds

For those needing a recovery session try this 20 minute Stretch routine
Mobility (10 minutes)- 10 minute Stretch routine/Roll/Sauna

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