WOD: Wednesday

Perform as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
Run 100m
10 Toes to Bar
Run 100m
10 Box Jumps 24/20″
Rest 30 seconds.

Post rounds to comments.

Tips: The aim of the game for this workout is to keep a high level of effort which means that the 100m runs are not a rest break – hit them hard and use the rest break at the end of each round to help you recover. Also, you should scale back the volume of toes to bar if you anticipate having to break up the sets of 10 into more than 2-3 efforts per round – ideally the number you pick should be close to unbroken for the entire workout. Box Jumps are compulsory jump up/step down for today’s workout.

Created with Nokia Camera

Wed 5am

Wed 6am


5pm (2)

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