WOD: Saturday

Partner Workout
For time:
Row 1000m
100 Push-ups
150 Sit-ups
200 Wall Ball
300 Double-unders
*During the row, the other partner must hold 80/60kg in the top of the deadlift.
*During the push-ups, the other partner must hold the flexed arm hang position.
*During the sit-ups, the other partner must hold a plank.
*The wall balls are to be performed in an alternating format, ie one throws the other catches.
*During the double-unders, the other partner must perform 10 x 10m shuttles before changing over.

A. Work to a 1RM Clean and Jerk (12 min)

B. AMRAP in 20 min:
1 round of Cindy
1 Clean and Jerk 60/40kg
1 round of Cindy
2 Clean and Jerk
1 round of Cindy
3 Clean and Jerk


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