WOD: Wednesday

Book your Zoom session in and check out the movement videos on our members page. You are all smashing it!!!

*Note for members with home gym set ups I have sent out additional workouts to allow for more variety in your training. This is available for all members.

3 Rounds:
Bear crawl 10 m
Sit-up & Reach x 5
Spider man x 10 m
Lunges x 10 (5 per side)

3 cycles of:
Scorpion Stretch x 3 per side
Iron cross x 3 per side
Glute bridge x 5 (3 sec hold at top)

AMRAP in 20 minutes of:
50 x Box Step ups (add weight)
50 x Sprawls
50 x Strict Sit-ups (or 25 V-ups)
50 m Bear crawl

Scaling 1: AMRAP of 25 repetitions of each movement.
Scaling 2: AMRAP of 10 repetitions of each movement.

*Add weight to box step up where possible (Weight held anywhere).
If no where to complete box step up- complete same repetitions in lunges.
*Advanced athletes scale up to V-Snaps (no further scaling).

Photo: Courtesy of Kelly- Heather completing WOD at home.

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