Athlete of the Month

Our Athlete of the Month goes to Grant Williams.

Grant & Danielle have been a huge part of our community since starting with us back in 2014 and have seen continued improvement since starting with us.
This past 6 months however we have witnessed huge changes in Grants focus towards his health and fitness and it paying dividends. Grant has focused on his nutrition, increased training attendance and many other aspects of health. This has resulted in huge improvements in quality of movement, weight loss, hitting new personal bests but best of all his overall feeling of wellness.
Even during the rapid changes, Grant has been one of the earliest adopters to our Zoom sessions, and has completed additional work focusing on his weaknesses. We are excited to see what the coming months and years will bring with your continued focus. Grant you truly are an inspiration. Thank you for your on going support and dedication towards your health and fitness.
#Note: For those wanting to talk anything political, Grant is your man!! Although, if you ask the question be prepared to walk away with more knowledge than you may have initially wanted, and the need to research to know more.

Grant will receive a care pack of: 6 cans of FitAid, magnesium salts and True Protein ZMA or Greens.

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