WOD: Wednesday

Happy birthday to our one and only “Water Boy!! – Chris G!!
The water dispenser is empty – awaiting the opening of the box.
Happy birthday legend!!

3 Rounds of:
Skip x50 (working towards double-unders)
Bearcrawl 10m
Toyota Jumps x 10
Spiderman 10m

Mobility: Shoulders>Hips>Ankles

Incrementing ladder 3-4 minutes:
Shuttle Run (2-4-6-8-10…)
Push-ups x 3
Kettlebell swings x 5

2 cycles of the following within 30 minute time cap.
Time each movement separately.
50m Bearcrawl
50 Box Step-overs 20″
25 Push-ups
15 x 10m Shuttle Runs
75 Double-unders
50 Kettlebell Swings/Dumbbell Hang Clean & Jerk.

*Complete each movement for time.
*Rest as needed between movement (with time cap in mind)
*Follow order of the board.

Scoring: Total working time.

Push-ups to be completed with in 2 sets (Scale number accordingly).
Double-unders (max 90 seconds) Use first round to establish benchmark repetitions. Alternatively 150 single skips.

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