PLEASE NOTE: This session has been postponed. We will announce the next session as soon as possible. We apologies for any inconvenience.
Following our 1st presentation Nutrition Kickstart part 1: Our Nutrition Guy- Mark Brackley gave us lots of valuable information and habits to start implementing. Hopefully you have all been working on these.
If not, it is never too late- start implementing small sustainable habits. Over the long term these habits compound to significant life changes.
Regardless of your goals, long term sustainability is the key to success and this is the case with nutrition and training. Get started on the right track-
Come and join us for our 2021 Nutrition Kickstart – and start creating the healthy lifestyle you deserve.
Coach Mark Brackley will be running our second Nutrition sessions on Tuesday 9th March – 5:30pm.
We don’t run short term “Nutrition challenges” as we see this as a set-up for failure.
We can get people to comply to a 30 day challenge with awesome short term results however we know these will be short lived as we have not provided the basic tools for success – SUSTAINABILITY.
Our goal is to instill small sustainable change over weeks/months/years, thus leaving you with life long habits – improving your quality of health and life over decades.
During our first session:
Our members receive 2-3 daily actions they you can implement into your nutrition straight away.
A personalized nutrition report detailing macro breakdown based upon you and your goals.
Group accountability.
Our second session
You do not have to have attended the first session to get valuable information. This session will further develop sustainable habits based upon where you are at the moment.
This is a free session for Coastal CrossFit Members.
Please be sure to book in via Mindbody.