WOD: Friday

A. Back Squat (Cycle 3, week 2)
70% x 3
80% x 3
90% x 3+
*Reminder- during cycle 3 we have added 10kg to our 1RM, and use 90% of this for our percentages. 

B. Partner workout:
Increment as far as possible in 9 minutes:
Deadlift 3-6-9-12…) 70/45kg
10 Strict Sit-ups

*One partner completes the deadlift while the other completes the sit-ups, then swap. Your partner must complete their activity prior to swapping.
Both partners complete 3 deadlifts, and sit-ups before increasing.
*Sit-up repetitions remain the same throughout.

Photo: A shout out to Torah. 16 years old, currently studying year 11&12 (via correspondence) and completing her certificate in Fitness at the same time. She is smashing training and choosing her own path through life. Awesome work!!

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